Saturday April 23rd
10.00-12.30 Brunch at the Centre
13.00- 17.00 Meeting
- Opening of the General Assembly. Short presentation of every participant.
- Approval of the Agenda
- Election of the chairperson and secretary of the GA
- Activity report by Kazimiera Astratoviene, the Chair of BWTC
- Organizing extended GA 2016: challenges and possibilities
- Name change, where do we go from here. During last years GA it was decided to look at options changing the name from Baltic Writers Council to Baltic Writers and Translators Council. To go through with the name change, according to the statues, also this years GA must take a stand in the question.
15.00 Coffee break
- Membership questions. Membership fee for the following year. Possible new members. Non-paying members. (Polish membership, Ukraine’s possible membership in BWTC)
- BCWT news by Lena Pasternak, director of BCWT
- Reports from member-organizations (max. 5 min)
20.00 Dinner
Sunday April 24th
10.00-16.00 Meeting
- Treasurer’s report by Mudite Treimane the Treasurer of BWTC
- Auditor’s report
- Reports from member-organizations continues
13.00 Lunch
- Reports continue.
- Election of the Board members: Mudite Treimane (retiring by rotation and willing to continue), Stefan Ingvarsson (can’t continue). Election of auditor.
- Other issues.
- Date of the next GA.
- Closing the GA.